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Punk Week 07/2022

Monday, February 14th, 2022

'Chunke Monke': Right now, SolPunks is just a regular [non-fungible] token ponzi. Most (all) of the revenue of derived from attracting new users with hype arguably in a way that is not sustainable. Discuss.

Looks like the write-ups The SolPunks pyramid-shaped scheme, Someone is trying to trademark CryptoPunks. And it’s not Larva Labs and more by pseudonymous Ex-Facebooker “Chunke Monke” on the SolPunk token ponzi fraud are a gold mine. “Chunke Monke” writes:

Right now, SolPunks is just a regular [non-fungible] token ponzi. Most (all) of the revenue of derived from attracting new users with hype arguably in a way that is not sustainable.


Truth is, all the [non-fungible] token marketplaces do an awful job disclosing total fees (3% platform + 5% royalty + …) This includes big names such as. OpenSea, SolSea, Solanart, etc. We think it’s intentional [fraud], but are not trying to make bigger enemies. We hope [non-fungible] token marketplaces will consider breaking down the costs for the customer clearly before the purchase is made. Sorta like when you’re shopping at any e-commerce website (shipping + tax + product cost…)

What’s your take? Is “Chunke Monke” a crypto (punk) fudster on a mission to get you buy into the stupid “DumbSolPunk” tokens? Or an up and coming crypto writer and analyist deep-diving and uncovering ponzis, pyramid schemes and intentional crypto fraudsters wherever you look?

Questions? Comments?

Post them on the CryptoPunksDev reddit. Thanks.

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